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Family membership - Entrance fee

Family membership - Entrance fee

Initial entrance fee levied on all new Family memberships.

  • Fee information

    An initial entrance fee is levied on all new Family memberships - it is a one-time charge.

    The fee applies once to the membership, rather than to each individual covered by the membership.

  • Information for new members

    There are a number of club owned dinghies available for use of members – Lasers, Comets and a Wayfarer and there is usually help and tuition at hand for the novice. We have a growing number of enthusiastic young sailors – the future lifeblood of the club – and we pride ourselves on being a family and child friendly organisation; with enjoyment and safety at the top of our priority list. We are keen to welcome new members living in the Porthmadog area, particularly Welsh language speakers.

    Because we have charitable status as a community sports club, we ask that all members strive to participate in club activities on 12 occasions per year (a Revenue requirement if we are to maintain the privilege). Participation can be as varied as helping to ready the clubhouse for the new season to maintaining your boat at home and is not, in truth, terribly onerous.

    Once your application is received, we invite you to meet 5 committee members before it is formally placed before the whole committee for approval, which in most circumstances will be given at the meeting following your initial visit. After that, we hope you will become as enthusiastic and involved a sailor as those for whom PSC is already an important part of life.

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