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Safeguarding and Children

Porthmadog Sailing Club Safeguarding and Children Policy Statement

Porthmadog Sailing Club (PSC) is committed to safeguarding children taking part in its activities from physical, sexual or emotional harm, neglect or bullying. We recognise that the safety, welfare and needs of the child are paramount and that any child, irrespective of age, disability, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual or gender identity or social status, has a right to protection from discrimination and abuse.

Porthmadog Sailing Club (PSC) takes all reasonable steps to ensure that, through safe recruitment, appropriate operating procedures and training, it offers a safe and fun environment to children taking part in its events and activities.

For the purposes of this policy anyone under the age of 18 should be considered as a child. All members of the Club should be aware of the policy.

Club Safeguarding Officer

The Club Safeguarding Officers are:

Martin Matthias Telephone: 07970832850 E-mail:

Carol McWeeney E-mail:

Gwynedd County Council Senior Safeguarding Children Officer: Delyth Lloyd Griffiths

Telephone: 01286 679007 E-mail:

Wales Safeguarding Procedures (2020) can be found at: They can also be downloaded as an app.


It is currently the policy of the club that members do not offer organised training or coaching sessions or activities to children. Any training offered to children would only go ahead in the presence of a parent\carer. Unless this changes there no requirement for trainers to hold a DBS Certificate.

Good Practice

All members of the Club should follow the good practice guidelines attached, and agree to abide by the Club Code of Conduct and the RYA Racing Charter contained in the Racing Rules of Sailing. Those volunteering with young people should be aware of the guidance on recognising abuse.

Adults (who are not the parents\carers) are requested not to enter the showers and changing rooms at times when children are changing. If this is unavoidable it is advised that they are accompanied by another adult.

The Club will seek written consent from parents/carers before taking photos or video of a child at an event or publishing such images. Parents should be prepared to identify themselves if requested and state their purpose for photography/filming. If the Club publishes images of children, no identifying information other than names will be included. Any concerns about inappropriate or intrusive photography or the inappropriate use of images should be reported to the Club Safeguarding Officer.


Anyone who is concerned about a young member’s welfare, either outside the sport or within the Club, should inform the Club Safeguarding Officer immediately, in strict confidence. The Club Safeguarding Officer will follow the attached procedures.


Porthmadog Sailing Club

Safeguarding and

Child Protection

Policy and


October 2020

Taken From RYA Guidance

Updated February 2020

Royal Yachting Association RYA House, Ensign Way Hamble, Southampton, SO31 4YA Tel: 023 8060 4104/4226 E-mail:

RYA Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Guidelines

If you require any of this information in a different language or accessible format, please contact the RYA’s Safeguarding and Equality Manager on 023 8060 4104 or e-mail


Revised Feb 2020

These guidelines have been produced by the RYA to help our club to enable children and young people to enjoy the sport of sailing in all its forms, in a safe environment. This policy has been adapted to meet the requirements of Porthmadog Sailing Club. The original document can be downloaded in its entirety from the RYA’s website,

Definition of a child

The Children Act 1989 defined any person under the age of 18 as a ‘child’. In this document and in day to day communications the terms ‘children’ and ‘young people’ are both used, recognising that older teenagers may prefer not to be referred to as ‘children’ although they are still children in the eyes of the law.

Safeguarding adults

Many of the safeguarding principles in these guidelines also apply to ‘vulnerable adults’ or ‘adults at risk’, but the categories of abuse and the statutory procedures to be followed in the case of a concern are different. Please refer to our separate guidance on Safeguarding Adults which has also been adapted for Porthmadog Sailing Club. The original guidance can also be found at

RYA requirements

RYA Recognised Training Centres (RTCs) that teach under 18s, including all OnBoard and Team15 clubs and centres, are required to have a formal safeguarding and child protection policy which is checked as part of their annual inspection. RYA British Youth Sailing (BYS) Recognised Clubs and Recognised Junior and Youth Class Associations are also required to adopt and maintain a safeguarding and child protection policy. Porthmadog Sailing Club is not included in any of the above categories, however the Club feels that a Safeguarding Policy is important in ensuring the well-being of all concerned, as outlined below.

Recommended actions

Although Porthmadog Sailing Club is not an RTC or BYS Recognised Club but our membership includes children and families, it is strongly recommended that we adopt a similar policy and some straightforward procedures to put the policy into practice.

There are several good reasons for doing this:

  • to safeguard children from physical or emotional harm, both on and off the water

  • to assure parents that their children are as safe at our club as they are when taking part in any other sport or leisure activity

  • to raise awareness amongst all of our members and employees, so that they know what to do if they are concerned about a child, whether the concern relates to:

  • the child’s welfare at our site or

  • something happening outside the sport that a child discloses to someone they trust at our club

  • to protect instructors and officials by giving them some practical, common sense guidelines to avoid placing themselves in situations

  • where they are open to allegations which could seriously damage their lives and careers

  • to protect the club, by showing that we have taken ‘all reasonable steps’ to provide a safe environment.

Our club has taken the following steps:

1. Adopted a policy statement that defines the club’s commitment to providing a safe environment for children. ‘Child Protection’ can be an emotive term because people associate it with the most serious kinds of child abuse. ‘Safeguarding’ has become a more common term for promoting children’s welfare, whilst ‘child protection’ tends to refer to actions taken in response to a specific concern or allegation.

Although we do not have a training centre attached to our club, the policy should be adopted by the whole club and all members should be aware of it, not just those directly involved in children’s training and activities. ‘Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility’ (Statutory guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ 2018).

2. Produced a simple code of practice and procedures governing how the club runs. This covers:

  • the safe recruitment of staff/volunteers who will be in contact with children (see Section 4)

  • good practice guidelines to ensure the safety and welfare of children at all times whilst at our site, both on and off the water (see Section 5)

  • handling concerns, reports or allegations (see Section 6).

Everyone in the club should be aware of the policy and have access to the supporting procedures, and those working with children must be familiar with the procedures and receive appropriate induction and training.

As with all things an element of common sense must be used, and the policy and guidance should not get in the way of families spending time together and the enjoyment of sailing at our club.

Much of the guidance is currently not applicable to Porthmadog sailing Club, as it is currently the policy of the club that members do not offer organised training or coaching sessions or activities to children unsupervised by parents\carers. However it has been included in the guidance in case the Committee decide at a future date to change this policy.

If the Club does change this policy, and anti-bullying policy will become necessary.

Note: I have left employees within the policy and guidance as we employ part time cleaners

I have removed the term volunteers, as all volunteers at the club are members

Taken from RYA Policy and Guidance Revised Jan 2020

This policy refers to anyone under the age of 18, defined as a child by the Children Act 1989[1]. The policy applies to all members of Porthmadog Sailing Club, contractors and volunteers.

The club is committed to safeguarding children taking part in its activities from physical, sexual or emotional harm, neglect or bullying. We recognise that the safety, welfare and needs of the child are paramount and that any child, irrespective of age, disability, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual or gender identity or social status, has a right to protection from discrimination and abuse.

The club takes all reasonable steps to ensure that, through safe recruitment, appropriate operating procedures and training, it offers a safe and fun environment to children taking part in club events and activities.

The child’s experience of the sport is our priority. We will create a safe and welcoming environment, both on and off the water, where children can have fun and develop their skills and confidence. We will treat all children with respect, celebrate their achievements and listen to their views and experiences.

All affiliated clubs such as ours are encouraged to adopt and implement similar policies and procedures. The RYA will provide them with information and support.

Porthmadog Sailing Club:

· Recognises that safeguarding children is the responsibility of everyone, not just those working directly with them.

· Carefully recruits and selects all employees, contractors and volunteers in roles involving close contact with children and provides them with appropriate information or training.

· Responds swiftly and appropriately to all complaints and concerns about poor practice or suspected abuse, referring to external agencies as necessary.

· Regularly reviews safeguarding procedures and practices in the light of experience or to take account of legislative, social or technological changes.

This policy will be reviewed by the PSC Committee annually, and will follow recommendations made by the RYA Board at least every three years.

The Club Safeguarding Officer (Martin Matthias) should be notified of all relevant concerns, allegations or complaints.

Policy Statement

Porthmadog Sailing Club (PSC) is committed to safeguarding children taking part in its activities from physical, sexual or emotional harm, neglect or bullying. We recognise that the safety, welfare and needs of the child are paramount and that any child, irrespective of age, disability, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual or gender identity or social status, has a right to protection from discrimination and abuse.

Porthmadog Sailing Club (PSC) takes all reasonable steps to ensure that, through safe recruitment, appropriate operating procedures and training, it offers a safe and fun environment to children taking part in its events and activities.

For the purposes of this policy anyone under the age of 18 should be considered as a child. All members of the Club should be aware of the policy.

Club Safeguarding Officer

The Club Safeguarding Officer is: Martin Matthias

Telephone: 07970832850

Gwyned County Council Senior Safeguarding Children Officer: Delyth Lloyd Griffiths

Telephone: 01286 679007

Wales Safeguarding Procedures (2020) can be found at:

They can also be downloaded as an app.


It is currently the policy of the club that members do not offer organised training or coaching sessions or activities to children. Any training offered to children would only go ahead in the presence of a parent\carer. Unless this changes there no requirement for trainers to hold a DBS Certificate.

Good Practice

All members of the Club should follow the good practice guidelines attached, and agree to abide by the Club Code of Conduct and the RYA Racing Charter contained in the Racing Rules of Sailing. Those volunteering with young people should be aware of the guidance on recognising abuse.

Adults (who are not the parents\carers) are requested not to enter the showers and changing rooms at times when children are changing. If this is unavoidable it is advised that they are accompanied by another adult.

The Club will seek written consent from parents/carers before taking photos or video of a child at an event or publishing such images. Parents should be prepared to identify themselves if requested and state their purpose for photography/filming. If the Club publishes images of children, no identifying information other than names will be included. Any concerns about inappropriate or intrusive photography or the inappropriate use of images should be reported to the Club Safeguarding Officer.


Anyone who is concerned about a young member’s welfare, either outside the sport or within the Club, should inform the Club Safeguarding Officer immediately, in strict confidence. The Club Safeguarding Officer will follow the attached procedures.

Any member of the Club failing to comply with the Safeguarding policy or any relevant Codes of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action under Club Rule XX.

Revised Feb 2020

Although everyone has a role to play in ensuring that children are safe, it is recommended that a designated individual has specific responsibility for implementing our policy. PSC uses the term ‘Club Safeguarding Officer’. They should inform the RYA Safeguarding Manager when they are appointed, to ensure that they receive relevant information and advice.

The Safeguarding Officer within PSC should ideally be someone with relevant knowledge and experience, who is perceived as being approachable and having a child-centred approach. They don’t need to be an expert – that is the role of Children’s Services and the Police. If they haven’t received any previous training, see page 12 for information.

The designated person’s role description could include:

  • Maintaining up-to-date policy and procedures, compatible with the RYA’s.

  • Ensuring that relevant staff and members are aware of and follow the procedures, including implementing safe recruitment procedures.

  • Advising the management committee on safeguarding and child protection issues.

  • Maintaining contact details for local Children’s Services and Police.

If you are unable to obtain contact details from your local authority’s website or the phone book, the RYA Safeguarding and Equality Manager can provide this information on request.

If there is a concern, the designated person would:

  • Be the first point of contact for any concerns or allegations, from children or adults, ensuring that confidentiality is maintained in all cases.

  • Decide on the appropriate action to be taken, in line with the club’s procedures and in conjunction with the person in charge (Commodore, Principal etc).

  • Keep the RYA informed as necessary (see flowcharts in Section 6).

Everyone in the club should know who the Safeguarding Officer is and how to contact them. An RYA poster for clubs and training centres to display this information can be downloaded from the RYA website or contact the Safeguarding and Equality Manager (see below).

RYA designated person

RYA Safeguarding and Equality Manager, tel. 023 8060 4104, RYA Safeguarding Officer, tel. 023 8060 4226, e-mail

Contact details for the Safeguarding Leads at RYA Scotland, RYA Cymru Wales and RYA Northern Ireland are shown in Section 7.

Revised Feb 2018

If a good recruitment policy is adopted, and safeguarding is covered in the club’s risk assessment and operating procedures, the opportunity for an individual with poor intent towards children to gain access to the club or to abuse a position of trust should be minimised.

All applications, whether for paid or voluntary work, should be subject to an appropriate level of scrutiny. The level of checking you carry out should be proportionate to the role and the level of risk involved and in line with relevant statutory requirements. The risk is higher if the person will be in regular contact with the same child or children, in sole charge of children with no parents or other adults present, and/or in a role involving authority and trust, such as an instructor or coach.

The club should agree a clear policy and apply it fairly and consistently:

  • who to check

– paid staff and/or volunteers (if they have the same level of responsibility and contact, they should be treated in the same way whether they are paid or not)

– new applicants only or existing volunteers/staff as well (if you are introducing checking for the first time you might want to start with new applicants and then check your existing volunteers or staff in priority order, depending on their role)

– those with specific responsibilities (eg. instructor, child protection/Safeguarding officer, coach, head of cadet section) or anyone who regularly helps with junior/youth activity

  • the level of check to be conducted for each category

– references

– self-declaration – see Sample Document 3 (please note that this does not ask about criminal record; if you are entitled to ask an applicant about their spent criminal record it is recommended that you request a Criminal Records Disclosure)

– Enhanced Criminal Records Disclosure (and Barred List check if appropriate) or membership of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (Scotland only), if the role is eligible.

It is a criminal offence under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

  • for a Barred individual to work in Regulated Activity/Regulated Work

  • for an organisation to knowingly allow someone who has been Barred to work in Regulated Activity/Regulated Work, and

  • for an organisation to fail to make a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service/Disclosure Scotland if they have dismissed someone from Regulated Activity/Regulated Work for harming a child or vulnerable adult or placing them at risk of harm, or would have dismissed them if they had not resigned.

Are they competent?

You are more likely to recruit and retain someone who is well suited to their role, and ensure equality of opportunity, if you:

  • provide the applicant with a clear job or role description so that they understand what the work involves

  • draw up a ‘person specification’ listing the key qualifications, skills, experience and qualities you’re looking for

  • check that the applicant is competent for the role, eg. they hold an appropriate and valid RYA instructor certificate, coach qualification or powerboat/safety boat certificate if required

  • provide an induction, training, mentoring or supervision to cover any areas where they may lack experience or confidence and familiarise them with our club’s operating procedures.

Are they safe?

If the role involves contact with children, you should at least:

  • ask them to provide information about their past career or relevant experience (see Sample Document 1 for sample application form)

  • ask their reasons for leaving earlier posts, or moving area, and make sure there are no unexplained gaps in their career history

  • explore their experience of and attitude towards working with children

  • take up references, at least one of which should be from someone who has first-hand knowledge of their previous work with children, and make the nature of the work clear to the referees (see Sample Document 2 for sample reference request).

If the role involves regularly training or supervising children or is a position of trust or authority over children’s welfare and eligible for a Criminal Records check, you are strongly advised to:

  • First ask the applicant to complete a self-declaration form (see Sample Document 3). Although they might make a false declaration, the fact that our club has these procedures in place may deter anyone with a criminal record related to their suitability to work with children from proceeding any further

  • Before confirming their appointment, ask the applicant to apply for an Enhanced Criminal Records Disclosure (with Barred List check if appropriate) or Protection of Vulnerable Groups scheme membership (see below).

Criminal Records Disclosures (DBS)

Revised Feb 2020

Organisations affiliated to or recognised by the RYA can access the DBS. The service is free for volunteers. A fee is payable to the DBS in the case of paid staff. Information is available from the RYA website or contact

DBS checks should only be used in conjunction with the other checks listed above and not relied on in isolation. A clear Disclosure is not a guarantee that the applicant has never done anything wrong, it only shows whether or not they have been caught.

Although it is not a legal requirement for voluntary sports clubs or private employers to ask their staff or volunteers to apply for Disclosures, it is an offence to allow someone to undertake regulated activity/work if they have been barred from working with the relevant vulnerable group. There is a risk that determined known offenders who are no longer able to work undetected in the statutory sector may move into the voluntary and sports sectors. If groups from local schools come to our site, a school may request that we check our instructors or volunteers so that they are subject to the same level of scrutiny as the children’s teachers.

England, Wales and Northern Ireland

An individual is only eligible to apply for an Enhanced Disclosure, which will disclose their ‘spent’ as well as their ‘unspent’ record, if they will be in a position listed under the exceptions to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, ie. one that involves regularly teaching, training, instructing, caring for or supervising persons under 18. They can only be required to apply for the additional Barred List check if they will be undertaking ‘regulated activity’ with children or vulnerable adults as defined under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012.

Confidentiality and data storage

Revised Feb 2018

All personal information, including Disclosure information, should be treated as confidential, stored securely and only shared with those who need to see it in the course of their duties or to protect children, in accordance with the DBS Codes of Conduct and our club’s Data Privacy Policy.

RYA recruitment and induction policy Revised Feb 2020 The RYA requires all employees and contractors recruited to posts involving regular contact with children to provide references and to obtain an Enhanced Criminal Records Disclosure, with Barred List check if applicable, or to join the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (Scotland only) prior to confirmation of appointment. All RYA Instructors, Racing Coaches and Race Officials sign up to the relevant Codes of Conduct (see Appendices B and C). The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy statement is contained in the RYA Staff Handbook issued to all new employees. All RYA employees and contractors whose work will involve contact with children are required to familiarise themselves with these Guidelines and to undertake appropriate training and CPD.

Safeguarding Training

Revised Feb 2018

Organisations should ensure that all staff or volunteers working with children have undertaken training appropriate to their role. This may be through formal training, an online course, induction and mentoring and/or continuing professional development.

It is currently the policy of the club that members do not offer organised training or coaching sessions or activities to children. Any training offered to children would only go ahead in the presence of a parent\carer.


The RYA has a number of Tutors accredited by UK Coaching to deliver a three-hour basic awareness workshop ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Children’ to RYA clubs and centres in England. We can also arrange workshops in Wales through UK Coaching. Any club or centre interested in running a workshop for 10-20 people should contact the RYA’s Safeguarding Officer on 023 8060 4226, . Clubs and centres in Northern Ireland should contact the Child Protection in Sport Unit on 02890 351135. 

Places at open multi-sport ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Children’ workshops in England and Wales can be booked directly via UK Coaching – click on this link:

Some local authorities and Local Safeguarding Children Boards also provide safeguarding awareness training, but this will not be specific to a sports setting.

Online training

The RYA has developed an online safeguarding awareness course ‘Safe + Fun’ which is available through more than 60 RYA Training Centres. To find a centre, use the ‘Where’s my nearest’ function on the RYA website. It is a mandatory requirement for those intending to qualify as RYA Instructors, Senior Instructors or Racing Coaches to complete the online course prior to their Instructor or Coach course. The course is also available to anyone wishing to gain a basic awareness of safeguarding issues, or to refresh their knowledge.

A further online module for Club Safeguarding Officers is also available. Contact the RYA Safeguarding Officer at or 023 8060 4226 to enrol.


It is important to develop a culture within our club where both children and adults feel able to raise concerns, knowing that they will be taken seriously, treated confidentially and will not make the situation worse for themselves or others.

(see also Good Practice Guide, Sample Document 4)

Revised Dec 2016

Plan the work of the club and promote good practice to minimise situations where adults are working unobserved or could take advantage of their position of trust. Good practice protects everyone – children, volunteers and staff.

These common sense guidelines should be available to everyone within the club:

  • Avoid spending any significant time working with children in isolation

  • Do not take children alone in a car, however short the journey

  • Do not take children to your home as part of your organisation’s activity

  • Where any of these are unavoidable, ensure that they only occur with the full knowledge and consent of someone in charge of the organisation or the child’s parents

  • Design training programmes that are within the ability of the individual child.

  • If a child is having difficulty with a wetsuit or buoyancy aid, ask them to ask a friend to help if at all possible

  • If you do have to help a child, make sure you are in full view of others, preferably another adult

  • Restrict communications with young people via mobile phone, e-mail or social media to group communications about organisational matters. If it’s essential to send an individual message, copy it to the child’s parent or carer.

You should never:

  • engage in rough, physical or sexually provocative games

  • allow or engage in inappropriate touching of any form

  • allow children to use inappropriate language unchallenged, or use such language yourself when with children

  • make sexually suggestive comments to a child, even in fun

  • fail to respond to an allegation made by a child; always act

  • do things of a personal nature that children can do for themselves.

It may sometimes be necessary to do things of a personal nature for children, particularly if they are very young or disabled. These tasks should only be carried out with the full understanding and consent of both the child (where possible) and their parents/carers. In an emergency situation which requires this type of help, parents/carers should be informed as soon as possible. In such situations it is important to ensure that any adult present is sensitive to the child and undertakes personal care tasks with the utmost discretion.

Revised Jan 2016

Some children may be more vulnerable to abuse or find it more difficult to express their concerns. For example:

· a disabled child who relies on a carer to help them get changed may worry that they won’t be able to sail any more if they report the carer

· a deaf child may not be able to express themselves or speak confidentially if they need an interpreter

· a child who has experienced racism may find it difficult to trust an adult from a different ethnic background

· children with low self-esteem or mental health problems can be more vulnerable to bullying or abuse, as can gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender young people, or any child who has a characteristic that marks them out in others’ eyes as ‘different’.

Added Dec 2016

Grooming is when someone develops a relationship with a child over a period of time to gain their trust for the purposes of sexual abuse or exploitation. Children and young people can be groomed online or face-to-face, by a stranger or by someone they know - for example a family member, friend or professional. For more information on possible signs of grooming, see Sometimes the perpetrator grooms the entire family, building a relationship with the child’s parents/carers so that they are allowed more access to the child than would normally be the case.

Similar behaviour could be used to radicalise young people and recruit them to a religious or political cause. This is unlikely to happen in a sailing club setting, but under the government’s ‘Prevent’ strategy teachers and others working with young people receive training on recognising the warning signs.

Revised Jan 2019

If a child alleges bullying or shows signs of being bullied, this must be investigated. For a definition of bullying, see Appendix A. Safeguarding and child protection procedures should include an Anti-Bullying policy. The RYA’s Anti-bullying policy is available on the website under Racing & Performance, British Youth Sailing, Information, Policy Guidance or click on this link: Youth and Junior Racing Policies.

The Child Protection in Sport Unit also publishes a sample Anti-bullying policy and guidance, see Resources and advice for young people can be found on and

Children and young people could be asked to sign up to the Club Code of Conduct (see Sample Document 5) or to agree their own Code as a group.

Managing challenging behaviour

Revised Jan 2015

Guidance for instructors and coaches on handling young people who display challenging behaviour is available as a download from the RYA website, under RYA Safeguarding and Child Protection Guidelines.

Make sure your staff or volunteers are given clear roles and responsibilities, are aware of our club’s safeguarding policy and procedures and are issued with guidelines on:

  • following good practice (see Good Practice Guidelines above and Sample Document 4) and

  • recognising signs of abuse (see Appendix A).

RYA Coaches and Instructors are expected to comply with the RYA Codes and Conduct (see Appendices B and C).

Revised Jan 2015

Parents play an essential part in their children’s participation, but occasionally their desire to see their child achieve success can put the child under too much pressure or give rise to friction between families or interference in coaching. Clubs and class associations may wish to consider adopting a Code of Conduct (see Sample Document 5) that can be signed up to by everyone involved, whether they are participants, parents, staff or volunteers, so that everyone is aware of their responsibilities towards each other and appropriate action can be taken if anyone’s behaviour fails to meet the expectations set out in the Code.

Although clubs have a duty of care to their members, and particularly to young people who cannot take full responsibility for their own safety, parents must be responsible for their children’s welfare and behaviour, or designate another adult to take that responsibility, outside formal club-organised activities.

When children are attending an organised training or coaching session or activity, the organisers have a duty of care for their safety and welfare at all times. If the club/class/centre requires a parent (or designated responsible adult) to be on site, it must be made clear at what point responsibility transfers from the instructor, coach or organiser to the parent.

For information on a Club’s legal liability and duty of care, go to the Club Zone of the RYA website (you’ll need your club’s or class association’s login, please contact if you don’t know it) and select Club Management, Health & Safety, Organising and Managing Events to find a link to our ‘Race, Training and Event Management’ guide.

At this point in time PSC does not offer organised training or coaching sessions or activities to children. Any training offered to children would only go ahead in the presence of a parent\carer.

Revised Feb 2020

Shower areas should, where possible, be designed to allow both adults and children to shower and dress in reasonable privacy. Adults often feel uncomfortable either showering and changing in front of children, or being in a situation where they might be accused of watching children in the shower. As a minimum there should be separate male and female changing rooms and, if relevant, unisex disabled changing. If there is an opportunity to redevelop or refurbish changing facilities, clubs should endeavour to provide at least one flexible changing room that can be used by someone with a disability, or a family, or anyone with a reason for not wishing to change in front of others. Ideally you should be able to access the toilets without walking through the shower/changing area.

If you are not able to upgrade your facilities, you may be able to manage their use. It is preferable for adults to stay away from the changing rooms while there are children there. If this is unavoidable because adults are sailing at the same times, or the site is open to the public, we recommend that adults avoid being alone in a changing room with children. Parents should be made aware that adult club members and/or members of the public may be in the changing rooms.

Bullying can be an issue in changing rooms and showers (see Bullying on page 14).

If it is essential, in an emergency situation, for a male to enter a female changing area or vice versa, it is advised that they are accompanied by another adult of the opposite sex.

First aid and medical treatment

Revised Dec 2016

First aid, provided by an appropriately trained and qualified person, is part of an club’s normal duty of care. Obtain consent if medication or medical treatment is required in the absence of the parent/carer (see Sample Document 6).

Organising and hosting events (This is not currently relevant to PSC)

Revised Jan 2019

When hosting an open junior or youth event at our club, liaise with the relevant class association to ensure that all involved in the club of the event are operating to similar policies. It should be made clear to all young competitors and their parents that there is someone responsible for their welfare who can be contacted if they have any concerns.

A poster for you to display at your event, giving the contact details of the event Safeguarding officer, can be downloaded from or contact the RYA Safeguarding Officer, e-mail , tel. 023 8060 4226.

The RYA Racing Department, in conjunction with the recognised junior and youth classes, has developed guidelines covering all aspects of running a major junior or youth event and these are available to clubs and class associations on request. RYA organised events will be run under these guidelines.

The Child Protection in Sport Unit also publishes a comprehensive guide ‘Safe Sports Events’ .

Away events (This is not currently relevant to PSC)

Revised Feb 2018

It is essential that those accompanying young people to away events or training camps, and the competitors themselves, have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and the conduct expected of them.

The RYA Racing Department has Sailor Supervision Guidelines and other detailed policies for the RYA junior and youth squad programmes. These are available on the RYA website, see Racing & Performance, Youth and Junior Racing, Information, Policy Guidance, or click on Youth and Junior Racing Policies. They may be a useful reference for events organised by bodies other than the RYA but should not be taken as prescriptive.

Revised Feb 2020

The world of the internet, social media and apps is constantly and rapidly evolving and it is hard to keep up to date, but it is important for parents and for anyone working with young people to develop some understanding of how they use technology, the risks involved and how to keep them safe. Suggested sources of information, mainly intended for parents but useful for anyone, are:


Organisations are responsible for the content published on their sites or pages, but parents must accept responsibility for their children’s access to and use of computers, tablets and smartphones. See the links above for guidance.

Club websites and social media

When promoting our club and encouraging our members to interact online, there are a few issues to bear in mind in relation to children and young people:

  • follow the RYA guidance on the use of images of children (see Photography section below)

  • ensure that the content and language on our site or page, including contributions to blogs, forums etc, is not inappropriate for younger visitors and does not link directly to unsuitable material on other sites

  • provide a clear process for parents and others to report inappropriate content or online bullying and to request that content is removed

  • have a robust procedure for handling and assessing such a report or request and acting promptly to remove the offending content.

To view a series of webinars for clubs on using social media, go to the Club Zone of the RYA website (you’ll need your club’s or class association’s login, please contact you don’t know it) and select Club Marketing, Social Media.

For more information, see the RYA’s separate guidance ‘Club Guide to Social Media Use with Children and Young People’,, RYA Safeguarding and Child Protection Guidance.

Children and young people

Children and young people use modern technology as a matter of course, but they don’t always understand the risks involved and their parents are not always fully aware of their children’s risky behaviour. Online communication and texting can often be used as a means of bullying. ‘Cyberbullying’ should be treated in the same way as any other form of bullying. and provide guidance and support for children and young people in different age groups, as well as for parents and carers, on matters such as online bullying, sharing images and ‘sexting’.

Coaches and Instructors (This is not currently relevant to PSC)

When working with children and young people you are advised to:

  • where possible have a business phone and a personal phone

  • only contact sailors on your business phone (or using your club’s text system)

  • avoid using over-familiar language and try to copy in the child’s parent/carer

  • only communicate regarding organisational matters, not for social or personal contact.

When using social media, it is recommended that you:

  • have a personal and a professional page for our social media

  • do not allow young sailors to follow or be friends with your personal account

  • set your privacy settings as high as possible on your personal account

  • challenge the way that young sailors post or comment to you or others on social media if it is inappropriate

  • educate young sailors about the boundaries between them and their Coach or Instructor.

Coaches working with the RYA’s Youth and Junior squads are expected to comply with the RYA British Youth Sailing Communication Policy.

Revised Feb 2020

Publishing articles, photos and videos in club newsletters, on websites, in local newspapers etc is an excellent way of recognising young people’s achievements and of promoting our club and the sport as a whole. However it is important to minimise the risk of anyone using images of children in an inappropriate way. Digital technology makes it easy to take, store, send, manipulate and publish images.

There are two key principles to bear in mind:

Before taking photos or video, obtain written consent from the child’s parents/carers for their images to be taken and used

  • A consent form could be included with the event entry form (see Sample Document 6 for sample consent form).

  • Any photographer or member of the press or media attending an event should wear identification at all times and should be fully briefed in advance on your expectations regarding his/her behaviour and the issues covered by these guidelines.

  • Do not allow a photographer to have unsupervised access to young people at the event or to arrange photo sessions outside the event.

  • Consent should also be obtained for the use of video as a coaching aid. Any other use by a coach will be regarded as a breach of the RYA’s Code of Conduct.

  • Care must be taken in the storage of and access to images. An image is personal data and should be treated in accordance with our club’s Data Privacy Policy.

When publishing images, make sure they are appropriate and that you do not include any information that might enable someone to contact the child

  • It is preferable to use a general shot showing participants on the water, or a group shot of the prize winners, without identifying them by name.

  • If you are recognising the achievement of an individual sailor and wish to publish their name with their photo, DO NOT publish any other information (eg. where they live, name of school, other hobbies and interests) that could enable someone to contact, befriend or start to ‘groom’ the child.

  • Ensure that the young people pictured are suitably dressed, to reduce the risk of inappropriate use.

Most sailing activity takes place in areas that are open to the public and it is therefore not possible to control all photography, but any concerns about inappropriate or intrusive photography, or about the inappropriate use of images, should be reported to the club’s child protection/Safeguarding officer and treated in the same way as any other child protection concern. Parents and spectators should be prepared to identify themselves if requested and state their purpose for photography/filming.

The recording of images or video using any type of camera or photographic equipment, including cameras on smartphones and tablets and action cameras used on the water, should not be permitted in showers or changing areas in any circumstances.

Revised Feb 2020

This section is primarily for the club’s designated Safeguarding Officer, but everyone should be aware of the procedures to follow if there are concerns (see flowcharts below).

A complaint, concern or allegation may come from a number of sources: the child, their parents or carers, someone else within our club, a member of the public, or the statutory authorities (Police or Children’s Social Care). It may involve the behaviour of one of our volunteers or employees, or something that has happened to the child outside the sport, perhaps at home or at school. Children may confide in adults they trust, in a place where they feel at ease.

An allegation may range from mild verbal bullying to physical or sexual abuse. If you are concerned that a child may be being abused, it is NOT your responsibility to investigate further BUT it is your responsibility to act on your concerns and report them to the appropriate statutory authorities. For guidance on recognising abuse, see Appendix A.

Handling an allegation from a child


  • stay calm – ensure that the child is safe and feels safe

  • show and tell the child that you are taking what he/she says seriously

  • reassure the child and stress that he/she is not to blame

  • be careful about physical contact, it may not be what the child wants

  • be honest, explain that you will have to tell someone else to help stop the alleged abuse

  • make a record of what the child has said as soon as possible after the event, using the child’s own words

  • follow our club’s child protection procedures.


  • rush into actions that may be inappropriate

  • make promises you cannot keep (eg. you won’t tell anyone)

  • ask leading questions (see ‘Recording and handling information’ below)

  • take sole responsibility – consult someone else (ideally the designated Child Protection/Safeguarding Officer or the person in charge or someone you can trust) so that you can begin to protect the child and gain support for yourself.

You may be upset about what the child has said or you may worry about the consequences of your actions. Sometimes people worry about children being removed from their families as a result of abuse, but in reality this rarely happens. However, one thing is certain – you cannot ignore it.

Recording and handling information

Revised Feb 2020

If you suspect that a child may have been the subject of any form of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect, the allegation must be referred as soon as possible to Children’s Social Care or the Police who have trained experts to handle such cases. Do not start asking leading questions which may jeopardise any formal investigation.

A leading question is where you suggest an answer or provide options that only need a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, instead of allowing the child to explain things in their own words. An example would be asking ‘did X hit you?’ instead of ‘how did you get that bruise?’ Use open questions such as ‘what happened next?’ Only ask questions to confirm that you need to refer the matter to someone else. Listen to and keep a record of anything the child tells you or that you have observed and pass the information on to the statutory authorities (see Sample Document 7 for Referral Form).

All information must be treated as confidential and only shared with those who need to know. If the allegation or suspicion concerns someone within our club or centre, only the child’s parents/carers, the club’s Safeguarding Officer, the person in charge of the club (unless any of them are the subject of the allegation), the relevant authorities and the RYA Safeguarding and Equality Manager should be informed. If the alleged abuse took place outside the sport, the Police or Children’s Social Care will decide who else needs to be informed, including the child’s parents/carers. It should not be discussed by anyone within the club other than the person who received or initiated the allegation and, if different, the person in charge.


Revised Jan 2019

It is essential to have clear and agreed procedures to follow. These include:

  • procedures to be followed by anyone concerned about a child’s welfare, either outside the sport or within our club (see flowcharts below)

  • a disciplinary procedure (which may be included in a staff handbook or contract, depending on the nature of the organisation) setting out the process to be followed if an allegation or complaint is made about an employee

  • a procedure for handling a complaint about a member.

The RYA’s information sheet on disputes with members and disciplinary procedures is available on the website in the Club Zone (you will need our club’s or class association’s login) under Club People, Members, or click on this link: Disputes and Disciplinary Procedure.

You may wish to adopt a whistle-blowing procedure to protect staff or members who raise genuine concerns about colleagues or fellow members from victimisation. For an example, see the RYA’s Whistle-blowing Procedure on the website under Racing & Performance, Youth & Junior Racing, Information, Policies or click on this link: Youth Racing Policies

Statutory Authorities

Added Jan 2012

If our club is contacted by the Police or Children’s Services concerning information received or a complaint made by or about a member or employee, you are advised to contact the RYA Safeguarding and Equality Manager as soon as possible for guidance and support. Co-operate fully with official requests for factual information, but do not express any personal opinions on the person’s conduct.

Handling the media

Revised Dec 2005

If there is an incident at our premises which attracts media interest, or if you are contacted by the media with an allegation concerning one of our members or employees, do not give any response until you have had an opportunity to check the facts and seek advice. You may wish to contact the RYA’s Communications department on 023 8060 4215 for professional advice on handling the media.


Added Feb 2018

If there is a serious allegation involving harm caused to a child either at our premises or as a result of taking part in our activities, the person in charge should consider notifying our insurers in case there is a subsequent claim against the club.

Data retention

Added Feb 2020

Confidential information must be processed, stored and destroyed in accordance with PSC’s Data Privacy Policy and Data Protection legislation. Records containing personal information should be: adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purpose(s) for which they are held; accurate and up to date; and only kept for as long as is necessary. They should be reviewed on a regular basis. If a person is removed from our club for a safeguarding reason, we need to consider whether we should retain essential details of the reasons for the action taken, and who will have access to that file in the future, in case the former member tries to re-join at a later date or a further allegation is made about them.

Historical allegations

Added Dec 2016

If someone raises a child protection concern relating to incidents that took place some time ago, follow the same procedure as we would for a new concern, even if the person about whom the allegation is being made is no longer active within our club. If the concern appears to relate to a criminal offence, encourage the individual to contact the Police on 101.

Reference to the Disclosure and Barring Service

Revised Feb 2013

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) maintains the lists of people barred from working with children or with vulnerable adults in England and Wales and in Northern Ireland. If our club permanently dismisses or removes someone from a role involving Regulated Activity/Work, or would have dismissed them if they had not resigned, because they have harmed a child or vulnerable adult or placed them at risk of harm, you have a duty to refer them to the DBS. It is a criminal offence not to make such a referral. For guidance on the grounds and process for making a referral, see the relevant website (see Section 7 Useful Contacts) or contact the RYA Safeguarding and Equality Manager.

Revised Jan 2015

If you are uncertain what to do at any stage, contact the RYA’s Safeguarding and Equality Manager on 023 8060 4104 or the NSPCC free 24-hour helpline 0808 800 5000.

Details of Children’s Social Care departments and emergency duty teams are listed on local authority websites and in local phone books. If you are unable to find the appropriate contact number, call the RYA’s Safeguarding and Equality Manager or, if a child is at immediate risk, the Police.

Flowchart 1

Flowchart 2


Revised Feb 2020

NSPCC 24 hour free helpline

For advice on any aspect of children’s welfare

0808 800 5000

Childline 24 hour free helpline

0800 1111

MIND – mental health charity

Tel: 0300 123 3393

Text: 86463

Social Care Services

Gwyned County Council Senior Safeguarding Children Officer: Delyth Lloyd Griffiths

Telephone: 01286 679007

Wales Safeguarding Procedures (2020) can be found at:

They can also be downloaded as an app.

Royal Yachting Association

Safeguarding and Equality Manager

RYA House, Ensign Way, Hamble, Southampton, SO31 4YA

Tel: 023 8060 4104

RYA Cymru Wales

Pete Muskett

Tel: 01248 670814 Mob: 07824 990694

Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU)


Tel: 0116 366 5590

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) – RYA is Registered Body

UK Coaching – provide Safeguarding and Protecting Children training

These documents are intended as a useful reference for clubs, class associations and training centres but must be adapted to fit the requirements of the club, activity or event and should not be taken as prescriptive.

Sample Document 1 – Application form (This is not currently relevant to PSC)

Revised Feb 2018

To be adapted for voluntary role or paid employment

Application for the post/role of (job/role title)

When completed this form should be returned, marked 'Private and Confidential', to:

The closing date for applications is:

Personal details

Title: Surname:

Other names in full:

Contact details


Home phone:

Work phone:

(state if you do not wish to be contacted at work)



Training and Qualifications

Academic and/or vocational qualifications

RYA or other qualifications relevant to the role

Do you hold a valid UK driving licence? YES / NO

Summary of past experience

Please state the name of club, position held, dates and a brief description of responsibilities and duties (continue on separate sheet if required)

Please state how you think your skills and experience match the requirements of this role and give your reasons for applying.

Other relevant information

eg. recreational interests, hobbies, voluntary or community work

Criminal record

Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar you from working with us. This will depend on the position applied for and the nature of your offence. If you are applying for a position involving regular contact with children or vulnerable adults you will be required, at the offer stage, to apply for an Enhanced Criminal Records Disclosure, with Barred List check if relevant (in Scotland: to apply for membership of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme).


Please give names and addresses of two people who can be asked to provide a reference. At least one should have first-hand knowledge of your previous work with children. References from relatives will not be accepted. Please indicate if you do not want us to contact any of your referees before interview or before an offer of employment.

Referee 1



E-mail address

Phone number

Capacity in which known to you

Referee 2



E-mail address

Phone number

Capacity in which known to you

Data Protection

In order to recruit to this role [insert name of organisation] will process personal information given in connection with this application. Information relating to the successful applicant will form part of personnel records. All personal data will be handled in accordance with [name of organisation’s] Data Privacy Policy which can be found [provide link].

Applicant’s Declaration

I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information given on this form is correct and understand that misleading statements or deliberate omission may be sufficient grounds for cancelling any appointment arising from this application.



Sample Document 2 – Reference request (This is not currently relevant to PSC)

Revised Jan 2015


(Name) ............................................................................................ has expressed an interest

in working with (organisation) ........................................................................... in the role of

............................................................................................, and has given your name as a referee. This role involves substantial access to children. As an organisation committed to the protection and welfare of children, we are anxious to know if there are any reasons to be concerned about this applicant being in regular contact with children or young people.

If you agree to complete this reference, any information will be treated with due confidentiality and in accordance with relevant legislation and guidance and will only be shared with the person conducting the assessment of the applicant’s suitability, should they be offered the role. We would appreciate you being candid, open and honest in your evaluation of this person.

1. How long have you known this person? .............................................................................

2. In what capacity? ...............................................................................................................

3. What attributes does this person have which would make them suitable for this role?




4. Please rate this person on the following (please tick one box for each question)




Very good





Motivation of others





5. Do you have any reason at all to be concerned about this applicant being in regular contact with children or young people? YES / NO

If you answer ‘Yes’ we will contact you in confidence.

Name: (please print) .............................................................. Tel. No: .........................................

Signed: .................................................................................. Date: ............................................

Please return this form, marked ‘Confidential’ to: ...........................................................................

Note: A reference is personal data and the subject is entitled to request a copy from the recipient.

Sample Document 3 – Self-declaration form (This is not currently relevant to PSC)

Revised Feb 2018

Can be adapted for roles involving working with vulnerable adults

Private and Confidential

Self-declaration form for roles involving contact with children

(Organisation name) ................................................................... is committed to safeguarding children from physical, sexual and emotional harm. As part of our Safeguarding policy, we require applicants for posts involving contact with children to complete this self-declaration form.

If your role will involve regular or frequent contact with or responsibility for children you may also be required to provide a valid Enhanced Criminal Records Disclosure, with Barred List check if relevant (Scotland: to be a member of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme). Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar you from working with us. This will depend on the nature of the position and the circumstances and background of your offences.

All information will be treated as confidential and managed in accordance with our Data Privacy Policy and current data protection legislation and guidance.

Name …………………………………………………………………………………………..

1. Have you ever been known to any Children’s Services Department as being an actual or potential risk to children?


If yes, please supply details.

2. Have you ever been the subject of any disciplinary investigation and/or sanction by any organisation due to concerns about your behaviour towards children?


If yes, please supply details.


I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information given above is correct and understand that any misleading statements or deliberate omission may be sufficient grounds for disciplinary action and/or the withdrawal of my appointment.

If required I agree to provide a valid Criminal Records Disclosure (Scotland: PVG Scheme Membership certificate).

I agree to inform the club within 24 hours if I am subsequently investigated by any agency or organisation in relation to concerns about my behaviour towards children or young people.

I understand that the information contained in this form and in the Disclosure, or supplied by third parties, may be shared with other persons or organisations in circumstances where this is considered necessary to safeguard children.

Signed: ………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………………

Note: if the applicant is aged under 18, this form should be counter-signed by a parent or guardian

Sample Document 4 – Good Practice Guide (This is not currently relevant to PSC)

Revised Dec 2016

Good Practice Guide

for Instructors, Coaches and Volunteers

This guide only covers the essential points of good practice when working with children and young people. You should also read the club’s Child Protection Policy and Procedures which are available for reference at all times.

  • Avoid spending any significant time working with children in isolation

  • Do not take children alone in a car, however short the journey

  • Do not take children to your home as part of our club’s activity

  • Where any of these are unavoidable, ensure that they only occur with the full knowledge and consent of someone in charge of the club or the child’s parents

  • Design training programmes that are within the ability of the individual child

  • If a child is having difficulty with a wetsuit or buoyancy aid, ask them to ask a friend to help if at all possible

  • If you do have to help a child, make sure you are in full view of others, preferably another adult

  • Restrict communications with young people via mobile phone, e-mail or social media to group communications about organisational matters. If it’s essential to send an individual message, copy it to the child’s parent or carer.

You should never:

  • engage in rough, physical or sexually provocative games

  • allow or engage in inappropriate touching of any form

  • allow children to use inappropriate language unchallenged, or use such language yourself when with children

  • make sexually suggestive comments to a child, even in fun

  • fail to respond to an allegation made by a child; always act

  • do things of a personal nature that children can do for themselves.

It may sometimes be necessary to do things of a personal nature for children, particularly if they are very young or disabled. These tasks should only be carried out with the full understanding and consent of the child (where possible) and their parents/carers. In an emergency situation which requires this type of help, parents should be fully informed. In such situations it is important to ensure that any adult present is sensitive to the child and undertakes personal care tasks with the utmost discretion.

Added Jan 2012

It is the policy of Porthmadog Sailing Club that all participants, coaches, instructors, officials, parents and volunteers show respect and understanding for each other, treat everyone equally within the context of the sport and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the club/class. The aim is for all participants to enjoy their sport and to improve performance.

Abusive language, swearing, intimidation, aggressive behaviour or lack of respect for others and their property will not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action.

Participants - young sailors.

· Listen to and accept what you are asked to do to improve your performance and keep you safe

· Respect other participants, coaches, instructors, officials and volunteers

· Abide by the rules and play fairly

· Do your best at all times

· Never bully others either in person, by phone, by text or online

· Take care of all property belonging to other participants, the club/class or its members


· Support your child’s involvement and help them enjoy their sport

· Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results

· Never force your child to take part in sport

· Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes

· Encourage and guide your child to accept responsibility for their own conduct and performance

· Respect and support the coach

· Accept officials’ judgements and recognise good performance by all participants

· Use established procedures where there is a genuine concern or dispute

· Inform the club or event organisers of relevant medical information

· Ensure that your child wears suitable clothing and has appropriate food and drink

· Provide contact details and be available when required

· Take responsibility for your child’s safety and conduct in and around the clubhouse/event venue


Coaches, Instructors, Officials and Volunteers

· Consider the welfare and safety of participants before the development of performance

· Encourage participants to value their performance and not just results

· Promote fair play and never condone cheating

· Ensure that all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part

· Build relationships based on mutual trust and respect

· Work in an open environment

· Avoid unnecessary physical contact with young people

· Be an excellent role model and display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance

· Do not drink alcohol or smoke when working directly with young people

· Communicate clearly with parents and participants

· Be aware of any relevant medical information

· Follow RYA and club/class guidelines and policies

· Holders of RYA Instructor and Coach qualifications must also comply with the RYA Code of Conduct

· Holders of RYA Race Official appointments must also comply with the RYA Race Officials Code of Conduct.

If you are concerned that someone is not following the Code of Conduct, you should inform your Club Safeguarding Officer or the person in charge of the activity.

Sample Document 6 – Booking and Parental Consent form (This is not currently relevant to PSC)

Revised Jan 2019

This document is an extract from the RYA’s booklet Race, Training and Event Management which can be downloaded from the website here: Race, Training and Event Management. Please see the booklet for full guidance notes, alternative clauses for different types of event, etc.

This template has been produced as a Model Booking Form for a boating event organised by a club or class association (e.g. a taster day, training/coaching etc).

The form will need to be modified for use in relation to specific events.


Event name



Event Co-ordinator

Event details




Contact no.

Email address:

If you are under 18, your parent or guardian must complete and sign the Parental/Guardian Agreement Form at page [ ]


Do you have any previous boating experience or qualifications?

If yes, please give brief details.

Can you swim 25 metres?

In the interests of your safety do you have any medical conditions or physical or mental impairments that the organiser needs to be aware of that may affect your ability to take part in the Event?

Yes/ No

If you answer yes please provide further details in the Medical Information and Impairments section of this form at page [ ].

Telephone number of emergency contact.

BOOKING TERMS (This is not currently relevant to PSC)


It must be recognised that sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By taking part in the Event, you agree and acknowledge that:

(i) You are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and you accept responsibility exposing yourself to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the Event;

(ii) You will comply at all times with the instructions of the Event Co-ordinator particularly with regard to handling of boats, wearing of buoyancy aids and the wearing of suitable clothing for the conditions;

(iii) You accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by your own negligence;

(iv) You will not participate in the Event if your ability to participate is impaired by alcohol, drugs or if you are otherwise unfit to participate;

(v) You will inform the Event Co-ordinator if there have been any changes to the information provided on this form at the time of the Event.

(vi) The provision of patrol boat cover is limited to such assistance as can be practically provided in the circumstances;

(vii) You are aware of any specific risks drawn to your attention by the Event Co-ordinator.


You understand that the Event Co-ordinator may cancel or postpone the Event at any stage in the event of bad weather, equipment failure or otherwise.


You understand that the Event Co-ordinator may exclude anyone from a particular session and evict anyone from the premises who refuses to comply with these Booking Terms or who misconducts themselves in any way or who causes damage or annoyance to other persons.


The Organiser has a Data Privacy Policy which can be found at [ ]

Your data will be stored and used in accordance with that policy.

The information you provide in this form will be used to facilitate your participation in the Event and to contact you. The Organiser would also like to include your contact details on a mailing list in order to make you aware of membership opportunities and future events.

If you would like to be included on this mailing list please tick here

If you wish to withdraw your agreement at any time, please contact [ ]


The Organiser may arrange for images or videos to be taken at the Event and published on the Event or Organiser’s website or social media channels to promote the Event or Organiser.

If you agree to images of you being used for this purpose, please tick here.

If you are taking part in the Event as a family, your family members, aged 18 and over, should indicate their agreement to the use of their image separately below.

Parental agreement for images of participants aged under 18 is included in the Parental/Guardian Agreement Form at page [ ].

Family member ………………………………..

Family member ………………………………..

Family member ………………………………..

If you later wish to withdraw your agreement, please contact [ ]. Please be aware that if you later decide to withdraw your agreement it will not be possible to remove your image from any printed material in circulation, or until the next edition or print of the item containing your image is released.

By agreeing to your images being used, you agree to assign any copyright or any other right of ownership of these images to the Organiser.


I confirm that I have read and fully understand the above Booking Terms and agree to comply with them.

Signed………………… (The Participant) Date……………………….…………….

PARENTAL/GUARDIAN AGREEMENT (This is not currently relevant to PSC)

(to be completed if the participant is aged under 18)

Name of participant

Name of parent/guardian completing this form

Relationship to participant

Contact number during Event

Optional clause to be used where Event organisers require a responsible adult to remain on site during the Event


I will be responsible for my child throughout the Event. I will be available at the Event venue


I appoint the person named below, who has agreed to act in loco parentis. He/she will be responsible for my dependant throughout the event. He/she will be available at the Event venue.

Name of person appointed in loco parentis………………………………..

Mobile number…………………………………

Optional Medical consent if parent/guardian is not on site

Medical treatment

I give permission to the organisers to administer any relevant treatment or medication to the above-named participant when or if necessary.

In an emergency situation I authorise the organisers to take my child to hospital and give my full permission for any treatment required to be carried out in accordance with the hospital’s diagnosis. I understand that I shall be notified, as soon as possible, of the hospital visit and any treatment given by the hospital.

Use of your child’s image

The Organiser may arrange for images or videos to be taken at the Event and published on the Event or Organiser’s website or social media channels to promote the Event or Organiser.

If you agree to the use of images of your child being used for this purpose, please tick here.

If you later wish to withdraw your agreement, please contact [ ]. Please be aware that if you later decide to withdraw your agreement it will not be possible to remove your image from any printed material in circulation, or until the next edition or print of the item containing your image is released.

By agreeing to images being used, you agree to assign any copyright or any other right of ownership of these images to the Organiser


I agree that _______________ may take part in the Event. I confirm that I have read through the above conditions with him/her and that she/he understands and agrees with them. I also confirm that he/she takes part in the Event with my full agreement that that the particulars given above are correct and complete in all respects.




(For full guidance on collecting personal medical information, in relation to compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations, please see the RYA’s Race, Training and Event Management booklet)

If you declared that you have a medical condition or physical or mental impairment that the organiser needs to be aware of because it may affect your ability to take part in the Event please provide details below.


I confirm that I have given the Organiser the medical information listed on this page (if any) for the purposes of my participation in the Event. I understand that this information will only be used for that purpose and will be retained for as long as necessary to comply with the Organiser’s legal obligations.

I agree/ I do not agree (Please circle)

Revised Dec 2016

Date and time of incident

Name and position of person about whom report, complaint or allegation is made

Name and age of child involved

Name of club or organisation (if relevant)

Nature of incident, complaint or allegation (continue on separate page if necessary.

Action taken by club

(continue on separate page if necessary)

If Police or Children’s Social Care Services contacted, name, position and telephone number of person handling case

Name, organisation and position of person completing form

Contact telephone number and

e-mail address

Signature of person completing form

Date and time form completed

Name and position of organisation’s child protection/Safeguarding officer or person in charge (if different from above)

Contact telephone number and

e-mail address

This form should be copied, marked ‘Private and Confidential’, to the RYA Safeguarding and Equality Manager, Jackie Reid, RYA House, Ensign Way, Hamble, Southampton, SO31 4YA, e-mail and to the statutory authorities (if they have been informed of the incident) within 48 hours of the incident.

Revised Jan 2019

(Based on the statutory guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ 2018)

Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting by those known to them or, more rarely, by others (including via the internet). They may be abused by an adult or adults, or another child or children.

Physical abuse may involve adults or other children inflicting physical harm:

  • hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning or suffocating

  • giving children alcohol or inappropriate drugs

  • a parent or carer fabricating the symptoms of, or deliberately inducing, illness in a child

  • in sport situations, physical abuse might also occur when the nature and intensity of training exceeds the capacity of the child’s immature and growing body.

Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve:

  • conveying to a child that they are worthless, unloved or inadequate

  • not giving the child opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate

  • imposing expectations which are beyond the child’s age or developmental capability

  • overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child from participating in normal social interaction

  • allowing a child to see or hear the ill-treatment of another person

  • serious bullying (including cyber bullying), causing children frequently to feel frightened or in danger

  • the exploitation or corruption of children

  • emotional abuse in sport might also include situations where parents or coaches subject children to constant criticism, bullying or pressure to perform at a level that the child cannot realistically be expected to achieve.

Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child.

Sexual abuse. Sexual abuse involves an individual (male or female, or another child) forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening, to gratify their own sexual needs. The activities may involve:

  • physical contact (eg. kissing, touching, masturbation, rape or oral sex)

  • involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images

  • encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways or watch sexual activities

  • grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet)

  • sport situations which involve physical contact (eg. supporting or guiding children) could potentially create situations where sexual abuse may go unnoticed. Abusive situations may also occur if adults misuse their power and position of trust over young people.

Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. Neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:

  • provide adequate food, clothing and shelter

  • protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger

  • ensure adequate supervision

  • ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment

  • respond to a child’s basic emotional needs

  • neglect in a sport situation might occur if an instructor or coach fails to ensure that children are safe, or exposes them to undue cold or risk of injury.

Child sexual exploitation is a form of child sexual abuse. It occurs where an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate or deceive a child or young person under the age of 18 into sexual activity in exchange for something the victim needs and wants (eg. attention, money or material possessions, alcohol or drugs), and/or for the financial advantage or increased status of the perpetrator or facilitator. The victim may have been sexually exploited even if the sexual activity appears consensual. Child sexual exploitation can also occur online without involving physical contact.

Extremism goes beyond terrorism and includes people who target the vulnerable - including the young - by seeking to: sow division between communities on the basis of race, faith or denomination; justify discrimination eg. towards women and girls; persuade others that minorities are inferior; or argue against the primacy of democracy and the rule of law in our society.

Bullying (not included in ‘Working Together’ but probably more common in a sport situation than some of the other forms of abuse described above)

Bullying (including online bullying, for example via text or social media) may be seen as deliberately hurtful behaviour, usually repeated or sustained over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves. The bully is often another young person. Although anyone can be the target of bullying, victims are typically shy, sensitive and perhaps anxious or insecure. Sometimes they are singled out for physical reasons – being overweight or physically small, being gay or lesbian, having a disability or belonging to a different race, faith or culture.

Bullying can include:

  • physical pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching etc

  • name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing and emotional torment through ridicule, humiliation or the continual ignoring of individuals

  • posting of derogatory or abusive comments, videos or images on social network sites

  • racial taunts, graffiti, gestures, sectarianism

  • sexual comments, suggestions or behaviour

  • unwanted physical contact.

The acronym STOP – Several Times On Purpose - can help you to identify bullying behaviour.

Recognising Abuse

It is not always easy, even for the most experienced carers, to spot when a child has been abused. However, some of the more typical symptoms which should trigger your suspicions would include:

  • unexplained or suspicious injuries such as bruising, cuts or burns, particularly if situated on a part of the body not normally prone to such injuries

  • sexually explicit language or actions

  • a sudden change in behaviour (eg. becoming very quiet, withdrawn or displaying sudden outbursts of temper)

  • the child describes what appears to be an abusive act involving him/her

  • a change observed over a long period of time (eg. the child losing weight or becoming increasingly dirty or unkempt)

  • a general distrust and avoidance of adults, especially those with whom a close relationship would be expected

  • an unexpected reaction to normal physical contact

  • difficulty in making friends or abnormal restrictions on socialising with others.

It is important to note that a child could be displaying some or all of these signs, or behaving in a way which is worrying, without this necessarily meaning that the child is being abused. Similarly, there may not be any signs, but you may just feel that something is wrong. If you have noticed a change in the child’s behaviour, first talk to the parents or carers. It may be that something has happened, such as a bereavement, which has caused the child to be unhappy.

If you are concerned

If there are concerns about sexual abuse or violence in the home, talking to the parents or carers might put the child at greater risk. If you cannot talk to the parents/carers, consult your club’s designated Safeguarding/Safeguarding Officer or the person in charge. It is this person’s responsibility to make the decision to contact Children’s Social Care Services or the Police. It is NOT their responsibility to decide if abuse is taking place, BUT it is their responsibility to act on your concerns.

Appendix B − RYA Instructor Code of Conduct (This is not currently relevant to PSC)

Revised Feb 2014

RYA Instructor Code of Conduct for RYA Instructors, Coach Assessors, Trainers and Examiners

This document outlines the code of conduct under which all holders of RYA instructor qualifications and RYA training appointments (hereafter referred to as instructors) are required to comply. The code of conduct is intended to make clear to all participants, instructors and RYA appointment holders the high standards to which all are expected to conform. Instructors must:

· If working with people under the age of 18, read and understand the Child Protection Policy as detailed on the RYA website at

· Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and treat everyone equally within the context of their sport.

· Place the wellbeing and safety of the student above the development of performance or delivery of training.

· They should follow all guidelines laid down by the RYA with regards specific training or coaching programmes.

· Hold appropriate insurance cover either individually or through the training centre in which they are working.

· Not develop inappropriate working relationships with students (especially children). Relationships must be based on mutual trust and respect and not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.

· Encourage and guide students to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.

· Hold relevant up to date governing body qualifications as approved by the RYA.

· Ensure that the activities they direct or advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual.

· At the outset, clarify with students (and where appropriate their parents) exactly what is expected of them and what they are entitled to expect.

· Always promote the positive aspects of the sport (eg courtesy to other water users).

· Consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.

· Not do or neglect to do anything which may bring the RYA into disrepute.

· Act with integrity in all customer and business to business dealings pertaining to RYA training.

· Not teach or purport to provide RYA courses or RYA certification outside of the framework of an RYA recognised training centre

· Notify the RYA immediately of any court imposed sanction that precludes the instructor from contact with specific user groups (for example children and vulnerable adults).

· Not carry out RYA training, examining or coaching activities whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Failure to adhere to the RYA Instructor Code of Conduct may result in the suspension or withdrawal of RYA qualifications or appointments.

Appendix C – RYA Coach Code of Ethics and Conduct (This is not currently relevant to PSC)

Revised Dec 2018

Sports Coaching helps the development of individuals through improving their performance.

This is achieved by:

1. Identifying and meeting the needs of individuals.

2. Improving performance through a progressive programme of safe, guided practice, measured performance and/or competition.

3. Creating an environment in which individuals are motivated to maintain participation and improve performance.

Coaches should comply with the principles of good ethical practice listed below.

1. All RYA Coaches working with sailors under the age of 18 must have read and understood the RYA Child Protection Policy as detailed on the RYA website at . If you are unable to access the website please contact

2. Coaches must respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and treat everyone equally within the context of their sport.

3. Coaches must place the well-being and safety of the sailor above the development of performance. They should follow all guidelines laid down by the RYA, follow Operating Procedures and hold appropriate insurance cover.

4. Coaches must develop an appropriate working relationship with sailors based on mutual trust and respect. Coaches must not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward. In particular they must not abuse their position of trust to establish or pursue a sexual relationship with a sailor aged under 18, or an inappropriate relationship with any sailor.

5. Coaches must encourage and guide sailors to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.

6. Coaches must hold up to date and nationally recognised governing body coaching qualifications.

7. Coaches must ensure that the activities they direct or advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual.

8. Coaches must, at the outset, clarify with sailors (and where appropriate their parents) exactly what is expected of them and what sailors are entitled to expect from their coach. A contract may sometimes be appropriate.

9. Coaches must co-operate fully with other specialists (eg. other coaches, officials, sports scientists, doctors, physiotherapists) in the best interests of the sailor.

10. Coaches must always promote the positive aspects of their sport (eg. fair play) and never condone rule violations or the use of prohibited substances.

11. Coaches must consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.

12. Coaches must notify the RYA immediately of any court imposed sanction that precludes the coach from contact with a specific user group (eg. children and vulnerable adults).

13. Coaches must not carry out coaching activities whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or when they have received medical advice not to continue activities that are connected with their coaching (eg. driving).

14. Coaches must not behave in a way which brings the sport into disrepute.

Failure to adhere to the RYA Coach Code of Conduct may result in the suspension or withdrawal of RYA qualifications or appointments and will be dealt with in line with the RYA Coaches’ Performance Guidelines. To access these Guidelines please contact

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