Porthmadog Sailing Club is an RYA Affiliated sailing club
2 комментария
Неизвестный пользователь
05 февр. 2021 г.
I copy here verbatim an email I received this morning in response to my query about the benefits of RYA Affiliation to Porthmadog Sailing Club
Morning Ben,
We are just in the process of updating our affiliation booklet, as such your request is very timely.
As a result of our lobbing government, boating was one of the first activities back on the water, after the first lockdown. Over the last year the RYA has supported affiliated organisations with a wealth of advice and information, and clear guidelines. More information about this support can be found here https://www.rya.org.uk/knowledge-advice/current-affairs/Pages/coronavirus-covid-19.aspx
Benefits of Affiliation are:
.Free legal advice
.Specialist safeguarding support and training
.Support from RYA staff and volunteers in your region
.Workshops and…
Неизвестный пользователь
05 февр. 2021 г.
I copy here verbatim an email I received this morning in response to my query about the benefits of RYA Affiliation to Porthmadog Sailing Club
Morning Ben,
We are just in the process of updating our affiliation booklet, as such your request is very timely.
As a result of our lobbing government, boating was one of the first activities back on the water, after the first lockdown. Over the last year the RYA has supported affiliated organisations with a wealth of advice and information, and clear guidelines. More information about this support can be found here https://www.rya.org.uk/knowledge-advice/current-affairs/Pages/coronavirus-covid-19.aspx
Benefits of Affiliation are:
.Free legal advice
.Specialist safeguarding support and training
.Support from RYA staff and volunteers in your region
I copy here verbatim an email I received this morning in response to my query about the benefits of RYA Affiliation to Porthmadog Sailing Club
Morning Ben,
We are just in the process of updating our affiliation booklet, as such your request is very timely.
As a result of our lobbing government, boating was one of the first activities back on the water, after the first lockdown. Over the last year the RYA has supported affiliated organisations with a wealth of advice and information, and clear guidelines. More information about this support can be found here https://www.rya.org.uk/knowledge-advice/current-affairs/Pages/coronavirus-covid-19.aspx
Benefits of Affiliation are:
.Free legal advice
.Specialist safeguarding support and training
.Support from RYA staff and volunteers in your region
.Workshops and…
I copy here verbatim an email I received this morning in response to my query about the benefits of RYA Affiliation to Porthmadog Sailing Club
Morning Ben,
We are just in the process of updating our affiliation booklet, as such your request is very timely.
As a result of our lobbing government, boating was one of the first activities back on the water, after the first lockdown. Over the last year the RYA has supported affiliated organisations with a wealth of advice and information, and clear guidelines. More information about this support can be found here https://www.rya.org.uk/knowledge-advice/current-affairs/Pages/coronavirus-covid-19.aspx
Benefits of Affiliation are:
.Free legal advice
.Specialist safeguarding support and training
.Support from RYA staff and volunteers in your region
.Workshops and…