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Race rules

Dinghy Sailing Instructions

1. Races will be sailed under the current “Racing Rules of Sailing” (hereafter referred to as the RRS), published by the Royal Yachting Association, including Appendices, RYA Prescriptions, appropriate Class Rules and these Sailing Instructions.

2. The racing programme will be as shown in the current Sailing Programme.

3. Courses and Laps Sailed

The course will be displayed at the Clubhouse as early as practicable before the warning signal.

The number of laps to be sailed will be shown on the course board or sheet. At the discretion of the Duty Officer, a reduced number of laps may be sailed by dinghies with high PYR numbers. The elapsed time for dinghies sailing a reduced number of laps will be increased pro-rata to the number of laps sailed by the remainder of the fleet.

4. Starting Lines

a) At the Club

The starting line will be formed by the extension of a line through the flag mast and a transit mark at the onshore starting box. Any outer and inner limit marks (neither is generally used) will not necessarily be on the line.

b) Elsewhere

As defined on the course board/sheet.

5. Starting Signals

As rule 26 of the RRS unless otherwise stated on the course board/sheet. For pursuit racing, Warning and Preparatory signals will be made only for the first class starting.

6. Recalls

If a boat or boats starts prematurely one further sound signal will be made and flag X shall be displayed. The Duty Officer may hail the boat(s) concerned. This amends RRS 29.1

7. Race Validity

The minimum number of starters for a race will be 3. Should there be fewer than 2 finishers, the race result shall be subject to validation by the Committee.

9. Finishing Line

a. At the Club: as for start line.

b. As shown on the course board/sheet.

c. Between the Committee/Rescue boat and a mark of the course or other mark laid for this purpose (for shortened course).

10. Time Limit

No time limit will apply but the Duty Officer may shorten a race at his discretion to facilitate the completion of a race, or abandon if the race cannot be finished in a reasonable period. This amends RRS 35 and will not be grounds for seeking redress under RRS 62.

11. Shortening Course

Signal flag S accompanied by two sound signals will be made as the leading boat is approaching the finishing line.

12. Scoring System

As RRS “Low point” system. The number of races to count for each series will be as shown in the current Sailing Programme.

Redress system (a) of A10 of the RRS for series races or, where practical, (c) for a single race event.

13. Ties

Ties will be dealt with in accordance with RRS A7 and A8.

14. Sail Numbers

Competitors wishing to sail under sail numbers other than the registered number of their boats must inform the Duty Officer and obtain his permission before the Preparatory signal for each race.

15. Warning Signal

The warning signal flag for handicap racing will be numeral pendant 9. Other class warning signals will be as shown on the course board/sheet.

16. Cancellation or Abandonment

In the event of a series being abandoned it may be resailed at a later date at the discretion of the Committee or its nominee (normally Rear Commodore Dinghies). RRS rule 81 will not apply but the resail date will be displayed at the Clubhouse two weeks before the resail date where possible.

17. Postponement

Any postponement will be notified at the Clubhouse or from the Committee boat. Visual or sound signals will not be made.

18. Protests

The time limit for lodging a protest shall be 60 minutes from the end of the race. Protests shall be in writing on the appropriate protest form.

19. Safety

All dinghies shall be capable of passing a buoyancy test as required by their class rules. The Duty Officer or any Officer of the Club may require that the adequacy of buoyancy be demonstrated by an immersion test.

A suitable anchor with a minimum of 20 metres of warp must be carried. The Duty Officer or any Officer of the Club may insist that the adequacy of the anchor be demonstrated.

Competitors are to register their intention to race by filling details on the race sheet.

Personal buoyancy aids complying with CE regulations must be worn whilst racing. Buoyancy relying solely on inflation by mouth or gas is not acceptable (Offshore type manual or automatic inflation lifejackets are not acceptable). Rubber wellington boots are forbidden.

20. Penalties

As RRS rule 44.1 and 44.2 (720 degree turn for an infringement of a sailing rule and 360 degree turn for touching a mark).

21. Declaration

The declaration form must be signed within 20 minutes of the end of the day’s racing unless otherwise noted on the course board/sheet. Competitors wishing to retire should place a letter “R” in place of a signature on the race sheet. Any competitor failing to complete the declaration may be disqualified.

A tally system may be used where specified by the Duty Officer.

22. Eligibility

With the exception of Open Events, races are open only to members and temporary members and any guests invited with the prior permission of the Committee.

Club trophies awarded to non-members may not be removed from Club premises without the written permission of the Committee.

23. Handicapping

Portsmouth Yardstick numbers for classes of boats will be as set out in the current RYA PY scheme YR2 or as agreed by the Committee.

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