We provide a number of email mailing lists for members' benefit
Aberporth List
QinetiQ, the operators of the Aberporth Range, send out a weekly schedule of their planned activity in Cardigan Bay. These updates are also posted here on the website
To join, send an email to: aberporth.list-join@sailing-club.org
You'll then get an email from the system asking you to confirm
The Porthmadog Harbourmaster sends out emails to warn of navigation buoys being off station, and when he's put them back where they belong
To join, send an email to: channel-join@sailing-club.org
You'll then get an email from the system asking you to confirm
Dinghy Sailors
This mailing list is for PSC Members who are dinghy sailors, or who are interested in dinghy sailing
To join, send an email to: dinghysailors-join@sailing-club.org
You'll then get an email from the system asking you to confirm
Cruiser Sailors
This mailing list is for PSC Members who are cruiser sailors, or who are interested in cruiser sailing
To join, send an email to: cruisersailors-join@sailing-club.org
You'll then get an email from the system asking you to confirm
Joint Sailing
This mailing list is to match up dinghy sailors who are interested in sailing outside the estuary with cruiser sailors who can provide them with support.
To join, send an email to: jointsailing-join@sailing-club.org
You'll then get an email from the system asking you to confirm