As amended at the 2024 AGM
The introducing member shall be present and responsible for the Guest at all times. Guests (including children) must be signed in by a member on each day.
Excepting with the prior agreement of the Committee, each individual guest may be signed in on not more than 4 occasions per year. No member or Family membership may sign in more than two adults (and accompanying children) or two children under 18 years on any one day.
If a guest is on the premises simply for embarking or disembarking a member's yacht and does not enter the Clubhouse or use any other facilities, signing-in will not be required and the number of visits not be restricted.
A crew of a Full Member may, with prior agreement of the Committee and on payment of an annual fee, be admitted as a Guest on more than 4 occasions per year.
Those who have resigned from membership of the club after having been Full Members for a continuous period of at least 10 years, and who no longer sail from Porthmadog, may with prior agreement of the Committee be a Friend of PSC on payment of such annual fee, if any, as may be prescribed by the Committee in its absolute discretion. Friends of PSC are Guests of the club but signing-in will not be required and the number of their visits is not restricted.
Friends shall not:
Park cars at the Club without prior permission of the Commodore or any of the Rear-Commodores or, in their absence any member of the committee. In any event, such parking shall usually be restricted to one Friend’s vehicle per day and, where parking spaces are limited, preference shall be given to Members
Drive Club Powerboats
Use Club dinghies unless accompanied by a member in that dinghy.
The activities of Friends shall be limited so that Members are not unreasonably prevented from using any of the facilities of their Club. Any Friend who does not behave with due consideration to Members in exercising their privileges as a Friend may be instructed by the Committee to refrain from visiting the Club for a specific period of time, which shall be at the discretion of the Committee.
Guests other than Friends shall not:
Park cars at the Club
Drive Club powerboats
Use Club dinghies unless accompanied by a member in that dinghy.
The activities of Guests shall be limited so that members are not unreasonably prevented from using any of the facilities of their Club. Any Member who does not behave with due consideration to fellow Members in this matter may be asked by the Committee to refrain from introducing Guests for a specific period of time which shall be at the discretion of the Committee.
Domestic Pets
Members who are the owners of such, e.g. dogs, shall be responsible for their not entering the Clubhouse or Changing Rooms and shall have an absolute obligation to prevent their fouling the Club site. If any other Member requests that the pet be restrained or kept on a lead this request shall be complied with promptly.
The owner shall ensure that their pet does not cause danger or nuisance to members nor make excessive noise.
Pets must not be left unattended at the Club.
During July and August all dogs shall be tethered by a leash not more than 2 metres long secured either to its handler or to a strong point.
The committee shall be empowered to prohibit specific animals from the site.
Club Moorings
Moorings shall be allocated to Members by the Committee and Members shall occupy moorings in accordance with a written agreement between the Member and the Committee. The charge for the rental of moorings shall be reviewed annually by the Committee.
Winter Storage
Winter storage will be available for yachts in the first instance. Unless space becomes available for winter storage of sailing dinghies they must be removed from the site not less than 5 days before lift-out. Failure to remove dinghies by the due date may lead to the refusal of renewal of membership.
Priority for storage will be given to yachts normally based in the Glaslyn estuary.
Where more members require yacht storage than space is available, priority will normally be given as follows:
1 Members having stored the previous year with the same boat or a larger boat (subject to the exception in 4 below).
2 Members having stored previously with a smaller boat (subject to space and cranage capacity, and to the exception in 4 below).
3 Members not having stored previously, on the basis of greatest length of continuous membership having highest priority, subject to space and cranage capacity.
4 Should a member qualify for storage in the current year but not wish to take up this facility, application may be made to the committee to consider their retention of storage rights for the following year. In such circumstance the committee may offer the space for that year only to another member. However, members gaining storage in this way will not be given priority for the following year on the basis of 1 or 2 above.
Before the end of July each year the Committee will contact each member having stored a yacht the previous year to confirm that storage is required for the following winter. Where additional space is available, the Committee will offer storage to those having previously requested storage in writing, subject to criteria above.
Where additional space remains available, the Committee will offer storage for dinghies to those who stored during the summer season, and in the event of more members requiring storage than space is available, priority will be given on the basis of greatest length of continuous membership.
Fin keel yachts must be supported by a cradle (rather than individual props) approved by either the yacht’s manufacturer or by the Committee.
Cruiser trailers, ladders and other laying up equipment must be removed from the compound within 7 days following lift-in. Such items may not be stored in the Bosun’s shed. Cruiser cradles may be stored in the designated area of the compound after lift-in, until next lift-out but not beyond, on prior application to the Committee (before lift-in day), clear marking of the cradle with owner & boat’s name, and payment of a summer storage fee as set by the Committee. Cradles not so stored, or approved for storage, must be removed as with other equipment, within 7 days following lift-in. Any dinghies stored over the winter remaining in the compound after 7 days following lift-in will automatically incur the summer dinghy storage charge.
Winter Storage Charges
The Committee shall determine the fees in respect of winter storage and shall display the same at least one month prior to the date of the cruiser lift out. The owner or agent of any yacht to be stored on club premises for the winter shall be present on the date of the lift out to supervise its positioning and to pay the winter storage charge: provided they have paid their winter storage charge, owners of any dinghies confirmed by the Committee as able to remain for the winter need not be present.
Use of the Club by Third Parties
The Committee may at its discretion permit the use of the site, slipway, changing rooms and clubhouse to individuals or organisation for a fee. Such permission will normally be restricted to organisations engaged in the sport of sailing or canoeing and will be subject to annual review.
Car Parking
Only one car per family shall be parked on club premises. Members wishing to leave vehicles for extended periods are requested to consult the notice board for the current recommendations.
Boats, Cradles, Road Trailers & Launching Trolleys Abandoned or Causing an Obstruction on Club Premises.
a) The Committee shall be entitled to move the boat, cradle trailer or launching trolley to any other part of the premises without being liable for any loss or damage to the boat, cradle, trailer or launching trolley howsoever caused.
b) The Committee shall be entitled upon giving one month's notice in writing to the Member or former Member at his last known address shown in register of Members to sell the boat, cradle, trailer or launching trolley and to deduct any monies due to the Club, (whether by way of arrears or subscriptions or mooring fees or otherwise) from the net proceeds of the sale before accounting for the balance (if any) to the Member or former Member.
c) Alternatively, any boat, cradle, trailer or launching trolley which in the opinion of the Committee cannot be sold may, upon such notice as aforesaid, be disposed of in any manner the Committee may think fit and the expenses recovered from the Member or former Member. Any arrears as aforesaid shall be deemed to be a debt owing to the Club by the Member or former Member. Further the Club shall at all times have a lien over Member's or former Member's boats, cradles, trailers or launching trolleys parked or moored on the Club's premises or Club moorings in respect of all moneys due to the Club, whether in respect of arrears of mooring fees or subscriptions or otherwise.
Dinghy Classes.
The Club will maintain a schedule of acceptable classes of sailing dinghy. Other classes will not be accepted except with the prior permission of the Committee. Catamarans will not be accepted.
Quayside Berthing.
Berths 1 and 2 (nearest the Madog Boatyard)
At busy periods (e.g. weekends and school holidays) members are asked not to monopolise the quay space and to have consideration for others who may require access to the quay.
Maximum raft to be two boats.
Berth 3 (between pontoon and flagpole)
For taking on fuel, water, provisions, crew. Stay not to exceed one hour.
Return prohibited within 1 hour.
No more than two boats rafted.
Berth 4 (the drying out platform):
Priority shall be given to those requiring this berth for carrying out maintenance or repair to underwater hull and or fittings.
Ball Games
Ball games are prohibited within the site.
Club Gates
Club keys will be available to temporary members and also to non-members subject to authorisation by the Committee. Gates to be kept closed except for members access & egress, and locked except during busy periods.
Radios. TVs and Music Centres etc
TVs and music centres must not be used within the clubhouse or compound except for Club organised functions. Radios may be used for accessing weather information only.
Fridge space is limited. All items stored within fridges must be marked with the owner's name.
Raw meat must be stored only at bottom of the fridge in the bosun's shed. It must not be stored above other food.
Food shall not be stored in the Clubhouse other than in the fridges.
The freezer compartment of the fridge in the main clubhouse area is for the freezing of ice packs only.
Slipway Winch
Under 14's must not use the winch.
Rescue Craft
Only members having attended a PSC powerboat rescue course or having an RYA level 3 or above powerboat certificate may operate the club powerboats. Minimum age for coxswain on rescue duty is 18 years. Buoyancy aids must be worn by all using these craft.
Club Dinghies
Before using any club dinghy for the first time a member must gain approval from an Officer. Dinghies must be signed in and out each day and any problems reported to R-C Dinghies.
Bosun's Shed
Members shall not store personal equipment in the Bosun's shed with the exception of:
Spars stored in the roof space
Oars stored in the racks
Outboard engines (one per membership)
The storage of the following items is expressly prohibited:
Fuel tanks (except those integral with outboards)
Oils and Greases
Clothing (except for drying)
Paint and thinners
Laying up equipment
Temporary Members
All applications for temporary membership must be authorised by an Officer. Temporary membership will be limited in order that the members’ full use of the club is not compromised. In particular, temporary membership may be restricted during July and August. Temporary membership rates will be agreed by the committee each year.
Amended Aug 2024