Dear members,
Please find attached a Winter newsletter from the committee.
I hope you all have the best Christmas possible, and look forward to seeing you next year.
With very best wishes,
Martin Matthias
Porthmadog Sailing Club Committee Winter Newsletter 2020.
What a strange year for everyone, and thanks to everyone for supporting the club during these unprecedented times.
A few thank yous are in order to begin with; firstly, recognition of the work Ben Lent did as Club Commodore. He typifies the friendly, helpful character of our club. It is hoped that Ben will return to sail with us again. Thanks to Richard Cook for stepping into the breach, typically Richard did not want the title of Commodore, nor any recognition for his work while he stepped into the breach.
Alan Butler has done invaluable job throughout the pandemic acting as unofficial caretaker of the club (agreed with local Police). He has kept an eye on club facilities and cruisers while owners have been unable to travel to the club due to restrictions. This has offered huge peace of mind.
As many of you will already have heard Steve Pierce sadly passed away in October, our sincere condolences were passed onto his family, and his childhood friend, Mike Cooke represented the club at Steve’s funeral.
As you may already know, Ben Walwyn has been developing the new website – still at We hope that this will be a useful, interactive site, helping us to stay in touch, find information easily, and even pay our subs. There will be a general communication about the site shortly, with instructions on its use – but in the meantime if you could go to the site and register your own individual accounts there it would help to get things started. Thanks must be given to Mark Sumner for maintaining our website over many years.
While 2020 was largely a year to simply get through, it has been good to see members making the most of what was available. The dinghies have been in fairly regular action, well into November, mainly in single handers, and bubbles joining to use larger dinghies. The ability to use the winch has been a major advantage.
While cruisers could not take to the water, it was heartening that members were still able to use them. As guidance allowed facilities at the club were used by a number of families to enjoy the magnificent setting of the club as a holiday base.
Ever optimistic, an exciting programme of sailing for dinghies and cruisers has been put together for the 2021 sailing season. With luck and fair weather we can look forward to good times on the water.
To end on a positive note, the Committee have been busy trying to obtain grant aid to buy two new dinghies for the club. We are delighted to report that this bid has been approved. A huge thanks must go to Bill Jameson for leading a sub group on this project.
Finally, the Committee would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas, in whatever form it takes, and a hope that 2021 will bring us some sort of normality, and allow us to return to the water.
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