The following two declarations are deemed accepted by Members at the point of clicking the 'Pay Now' button in Checkout on the website, or on an invoice sent from the website.
CASC Declaration
At application prospectively and annually at membership renewal, retrospectively
Porthmadog Sailing Club is registered as a Community Amateur Sports Club (‘CASC’), which provides some tax breaks. In order to remain registered the club has to monitor whether a majority of its members are taking part in the sport (as opposed to using it purely socially, such as a golf club with a bar).
The definition of Participation is drafted quite widely, and includes on-water activities such as sailing, being out in the tender, and going off cruising, and off-water activities which support sailing, such as rigging, volunteering for club events (race officer duty, helping with social events), being a committee member, maintaining the club and sailing equipment, and maintenance of boats/equipment away from the club premises. Each of these – whether at the Club, at home, on the water or away cruising - each counts with HMRC as ‘participation’.
Completing checkout on, or completing payment of an invoice from the Club Website will be deemed to signify your confirmation that on 12 or more occasions in the past year (for membership renewals) or in the current or next year (for membership applications), you participated according to the definition above.
f you were or are unable to make this commitment, please email the Honorary Treasurer at
At application and annually at membership renewal
I agree to be bound by the Rules and Byelaws of Porthmadog Sailing Club, and by the Terms of Use of the Porthmadog Sailing Club website (
I declare that I hold a valid Insurance Policy including Third Party Liability of at least £2,000,000 which also covers me whilst racing for each boat used from the Club and that I will continue to do so while sailing from Porthmadog Sailing Club.
I declare that I have reviewed and entered or updated all of the details held for the boats I own or are responsible for in the ‘My Boats’ section of the Club Website, and that I have checked the ‘Verified boat record’ switch to signify that these details are current and accurate.
All adult club members should read the following clauses carefully before completing checkout or completing payment of an invoice on the Club Website. Completing checkout on or completing payment of an invoice from the Club Website will be deemed to signify your acceptance and agreement with this Declaration – on your own behalf and on behalf of every adult and child under 18 included within your membership.
This declaration will be valid until the end of the membership year.
The term ‘boat’ below refers to the boat being sailed (whether owned or borrowed by its users, or a club boat) together with its helmsman and any crew or guest.
1. Rule 4 of the Racing Rules of Sailing states: “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone”. Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By taking to the water, each member agrees and acknowledges that:
(i) They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and their boat to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the event;
(ii) They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat and their other property whether afloat or ashore;
(iii) They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by their own actions or omissions;
(iv) Their boat is in good order, equipped to sail in the event and they are fit to participate;
(v) The provision of a race management team, patrol/safety boats and other officials and volunteers by the organiser does not relieve them of their own responsibilities;
(vi) The provision of patrol/safety boat cover is limited to such assistance, particularly in extreme weather conditions, as can be practically provided in the circumstances;
(vii) Their boat is adequately insured, with cover of at least £2M against third party claims.
Additionally, during club training and on the water events:
(viii) You accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by your own negligence;
(ix) You will not participate in the event whilst under the influence of alcohol, drugs or whilst otherwise unfit to participate;
(x) The provision of patrol/safety boat cover is limited to such assistance, as can be practically provided in the circumstances.
2. Parents, guardians and members acting in loco parentis are warned that the club is only able to provide rescue facilities during the hours of club racing. Outside these hours, parents, guardians and members acting in loco parentis have sole responsibility for their children and wards and must appreciate that the club cannot be expected to exercise supervision or control. Even during club racing the club cannot accept responsibility for children, or any other persons, not engaged in racing.
3. I confirm my understanding and acceptance that the Rules and Byelaws of Porthmadog Sailing Club (as amended from time to time) shall govern my membership of the Club. I further acknowledge and accept responsibilities of membership upon members as set out in these Rules.
4. I also agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing and all other rules that govern water based activity at the club. In particular, I confirm that I have read the Sailing Instructions and accept their provisions and agree that my boat will conform to the requirements set out in the Sailing Instructions while afloat.
5. I confirm that if I make use of the club’s internet connection, I will be deemed to have accepted the club’s policy on its use, as amended from time to time but the current version being displayed in the clubhouse.
6. I acknowledge that members may take and share photographs and video of sailing and social activity through club presentations, the website, newsletters, social media and video sharing sites. Publicly available images must and will not carry any information which can be used to identify any members under 18.