Weekly Programme:
Please find attached our latest weekly programme notice showing where MOD Aberporth is active within the Danger Area.
If you are planning a trip into Cardigan Bay, it is recommended for your safety to consult the programme notice and contact Range Control on 01239 813480 or 01239 813760 or VHF Channel 11 or 16 for further advice. There will be someone available to take your enquiry by one of these contact methods whilst activity is taking place in the Danger Area and between 09:00 to 16:00 on working days. If you telephone outside of these hours, please leave a message and your call will be returned on the next working day.
Please note that the programme is often subject to change at short notice and it may not always be possible to provide an updated schedule on our website and by email. Please telephone for latest information and advice.
Remember for your own safety, and that of others, if you are planning to navigate through the Danger Area at any time, please familiarise yourself with the safety information which can be found on our website, www.aberporth.QinetiQ.com, before entering the Danger Area.
Any advance alerts and weekly programme information has been generated for the purposes of informing the public as to QinetiQ’s scheduled operations at the MOD Aberporth Range and it is acknowledged that the information may be included in other websites and publications. Please note that QinetiQ does not accept responsibility for or endorse any independent website or publication which features this information.
Unidentified Objects:
Any person who finds any metal object, such as projectile, shell or any unidentified explosive object or part of such object should immediately contact the Coastguard VHF Ch.16. For your own safety, do not touch or attempt to remove such objects.
Please note that for safety purposes we use CCTV with recording devices overlooking the coastline and sea near to MOD Aberporth. You may be recorded on our cameras. Please see our website for further details of how we manage the data.
Rheolwr Cyswllt Cymunedol Aberporth Community Liaison Manager
QinetiQ MOD Aberporth, Cardigan, Ceredigion SA43 2BU Ffôn /Tel: 0800 0510 880 E-bost/Email: abeenquiries@QinetiQ.com
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